Leduc Composite High School


Absence Reporting Form/Procedures

  1. Attendance Policy

In order for students to have success in their courses, regular attendance is crucial.  With this in mind, the following policy will be effect.

  • Students are expected to attend on a daily basis.
  • Excusable absences include; medical and compassionate absences, documentation may be required.
  • Unexcused absences may result in the student losing marks or being awarded a zero for missed exams or assignment deadlines.
  • Parents are requested to phone the school if their son/daughter is going to be absent to the school and leave a message on the answering machine if it is after hours.  LCHS Phone Number is 780-986-2248
  • Teachers will maintain attendance records which are received electronically by the main office.
  • If a student is absent from school for any reason, they are responsible for any work missed during the absence. If at all possible, this should be arranged ahead of time.
  • Students are expected to be in school if they are participating in extracurricular activities. If a student is truant from school, they may not participate in after school activities.
  • Any senior high student missing 3 classes will be reported to administration.
  • In the event a student is inexcusably absent, the following truancy policy will be in effect.
  1. Truancy Policy
  • For the first offence, the parents will be contacted by phone and/or letter of the student’s absence.
  • For the second offence, the parents will be contacted by phone and by letter and the student will be required to make up time at lunch, after school or serve an in-school suspension from that class or for the day depending on the circumstances.
  • For the third offence, the parents will be contacted and the student may be suspended from school. A meeting may be set up with the parents to discuss the situation before the student is re-admitted into the school.
  • For all subsequent offences, the student will be placed at the second or third level of

Consequences as listed in the Code of Conduct

3. Vacations

It is the expectation that students will attend school on scheduled school days and take holidays according to the school year calendar. In the event that parents/guardians choose to take their child out of school at times other than school holidays, teachers will not provide work for that
time. In situations where a teacher has an online forum for students to join such as Google Classroom, Moodle etc., students can access class readings and submit assignments as prearranged with their teacher. Any missed work or tests will be made up when the student returns, at the teacher’s discretion.