Leduc Composite High School




Tired Of Sitting At A Desk!!!

Are you tired of the same thing, day in day out?  Take a seat, open up your books and take notes from the whiteboard.  If the answer is yes than you need to “come on down” to mechanics and start using what your hands are made for – working and getting dirty.

The 10 Level courses allow everyone to learn the everyday life skills needed if you ever plan on owning your own vehicle.  From oil changes to tire swaps, you will learn the basic functions around an automobile.  Each module, around 12 to 16 classes long allows you to gain the knowledge and required pre-requisites to move on the 20/30 level courses.  This is where you get to actually work on customer vehicles – including your own.  In addition, mechanics students will also be the first in line to work on family vehicles, a huge savings if you ask mom and dad.  Furthermore, mechanic students will be attending the Edmonton Auto Show, sponsored by the Edmonton Motor Dealers Association.  This yearly event allows students to see the newest and fastest vehicles coming to the show rooms around town.

So what are you waiting for?  Come get dirty and finally enjoy working with those hands you have.