Leduc Composite High School


  • Leduc Schools Boundary and Grade Configuration Review begins!

    Posted on    Posted in BGSD, Board, Boundary and Grade Configuration Reviews, General

    At their Regular Board Meeting yesterday, the Board of Trustees passed a Notice of Motion, based on Board Policy 15 – Appendix: School Reconfiguration, to begin a reconfiguration process – inclusive of public consultation – on the proposed school boundary and grade configuration review for schools within the city of Leduc (excluding Covenant Christian School and the Outreach School).

    “Our overall goals are to ensure continued quality programming for all students through equitable school utilization, and to minimize disruptions to families,” said Board Chair Esther Eckert. “With the anticipated opening in September 2024 of Ohpaho Secondary School, there is a need to establish attendance boundaries and grade configuration for this new 1,100 student school. We also need to conduct a review of the impact the additional student spaces will have on our other schools as Leduc is growing at a significant rate.”

    Over the last two years, East Elementary School, Caledonia Park School, Leduc Composite High School, Ecole Leduc Junior High School, and West Haven Public School have experienced their highest enrolments, leading to very high utilization rates. In fact, four of the nine public schools in Leduc are above the 100 percent utilization rate, which creates an urgent need for extra student spaces across the community.

    To address these and other concerns, the Division contracted the Edmonton Public Schools Planning Consultancy in November 2022 to do the Leduc Accomodation Study, which was presented to the Board.

    “This comprehensive study provides a number of concepts to help address the capacity challenges, which can be further investigated through a public engagement process,” said Norm Dargis, Associate Superintendent – Learning Services. “It is through this engagement process that a final recommendation report will be generated and presented to the Board for consideration this fall.”

    The next steps in this process involve Administration forming committees to review the presented concepts, and then develop and implement a multi-phased public engagement process. Over the coming months, Leduc school communities will be provided opportunities to review and provide feedback on the various boundary and grade configuration proposals. 

    For more information, go to: www.blackgold.ca/leduc-schools-boundary-and-grade-configuration-review

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