Leduc Composite High School


LCHS Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism is the practice of representing someone else’s work or ideas as one’s own. It is an academically dishonest practice and is detrimental to a student’s knowledge and skill development. LCHS takes a progressive approach to plagiarism to educate and correct the behavior. All incidents will be documented and are subject to the consequences outlined below.

All students will receive information as to what constitutes plagiarism. Furthermore, fair notice will be sent to parents/guardians in the first month of the school year with this information as well as the disciplinary response. 

Step 1: Fair Notice will be sent to parents/guardians/

Step 2: All students will receive information as to what constitutes plagiarism in their classes and in their grade level Google Classrooms. 

Note: All incidents of Plagiarism will be recorded in the PowerSchool discipline log. Staff will then consult with admin BEFORE contacting the student/parents to determine the consequence being administered. 

First IncidentHigh School and Junior High StudentsSecond IncidentHigh School and Junior High StudentsThird IncidentHigh School Students only
The student is given zero scores on any work suspected of being plagiarized and given the opportunity to resubmit original work at a 20% mark reduction. A log entry is entered in the discipline log for PowerSchool. A letter is sent by the principal/assistant principal to parents outlining this administrative practice and the consequences.The student is given zero scores on any work suspected of being plagiarized and is not given the opportunity to resubmit original work. A log entry is entered in the discipline log for PowerSchool. A letter is sent by the principal/assistant principal to parents outlining this administrative practice and the consequences.The student is removed from the course in which plagiarized work is suspected and a log entry is entered into the discipline log for PowerSchool. The student will receive a suspension and may be withdrawn from the class. A letter is sent by the principal/assistant principal to parents.


The First Incident refers to the very first time a student is found to be plagiarizing. From that point on and in subsequent years, the school response will start at the second incident.